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ENERGY /  THE MIND ENERGY, what does this mean to you???? Well, it can have many meanings, some related and some not. What do I mean when I say, “I have no energy?” Do I mean, “my mitochondria have shut down?”  Huh, that is a mouthful.  What are mitochondria anyway...

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The Heart

What do we think about when we think of the heart? Usually we think of an organ located just off center in our upper chest and weighing about 7 to 16 ounces. But……..the Heart is much more than this. I am sure we have all heard the expression, “a broken heart”. And I am also sure it did...

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Living in the Heart

Life is a  Pathway Of  What We Do and What We Say Today And Each and Every Day. Open up YOUR ….. Heart For This is Where it All Will Start. Each Moment is a Choice So Listen To Your Inner Voice. Deep Within Your Precious Heart YOUR Divine Spark. Do Not Fret, Do not Fear Open Up...

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Vitamins are micronutrients (very small nutritious particles) required by the body in order to carry out a wide range of functions. These micronutrients are not made by the body and must be derived from the food we eat. Vitamins support normal growth and development. They help the...

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