The gut (stomach and small intestine) becomes damaged causing microscopic holes in the intestinal lining, resulting in particles of microscopic, undigested food leaking into the bloodstream. This causes an inflammatory reaction and can lead to one or more autoimmune diseases. Over time the body becomes unable to absorb nutrients and a cascade of symptoms starts to arise, from digestive disorders to food sensitivities to allergies, just to name a few.


One of the main causes of leaky gut is gluten intolerance over a long period of time.

Others are: dairy (both lactose and casein),  poor diet – processed & gmo foods.

Medications, especially antibiotics and acid blockers; these act like bombs in the gut.

Sugar feeds yeast and weakens the intestinal wall and is deadly to the body.

Bad bacteria / SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth) can lead to leaky gut.

Unresolved stress that becomes chronic can cause a myriad of physical symptoms including gut issues.

Toxins from numerous sources can play havoc on the body including the G.I. Track. 

7 Gut Grenades that that kill off our own natural good microbes and also kill our probiotics are:

1..Antibiotics   2..Acid blockers   3..Home cleaning products 4..Personal care products

5..Pesticides on our food        6.. Chlorine & Fluoride in the water 7.. Hand sanitizers

Everyone is unique and is subject to multiple different triggers.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with resulting diarrhea and/or constipation

Digestive issues   Gas and bloating    Joint Pain Sinus Issues

Mouth issues      Thyroid malfunction   Headache     Weakness                

Mood swings / depression and/or anxiety           Body aches

Adrenal insufficiency resulting in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

Autoimmune Diseases (AMD)             Skin problems

Various other symptoms affecting the entire body, even the brain, are and have been the result of Leaky Gut Syndrome.



(A) Gluten ,  dairy, processed foods, fried foods, potato chips,  alcohol, sugar free drinks,  sugar, food dyes ,  food additives, artificial sweeteners – use natural products, white rice, soda and sugar sweetened drinks,  refined carbohydrates including white bread and pastries ,  trans fats – cooking oils (use coconut oil, avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil). Some people even have to give up grains altogether. Check with your medical provider.

Some people with gluten intolerance and/or leaky gut may also need to remove Nightshade Vegetables. A substance in these vegetables could contribute to inflammation of the gut with resulting digestive disorders. Eg: potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, tomatillos and tobacco. Many condiments and spices contain nightshades. Always read the labels.

(B) Continuous stress usually causes inflammation in the body.

Seek out ways to deal with ongoing stress such as: Meditation, exercise, yoga, tai chi, walks , socialization, support groups. Spend time in nature. Water is very therapeutic and calming. Find whatever feeds your soul / spirit.


A. Bone Broth is excellent for healing intestinal permeability/leakage. It contains collagen which nourishes the intestinal lining and decreases inflammation. It is easy for the gut to digest and is full of protein & minerals. It also contains Proline, Glycine and L-Glutamine; all are healing for the gut.

B. Coconut Oil is antimicrobial, it kills yeast.

C. Fermented Foods are loaded with probiotics, the good gut bacteria: sauerkraut,  kimchi,   kombucha, greek yogurt unsweetened and  miso.   Goat’s milk kefir has no A-1 casein, it has A-2 which is loaded with probiotics. Check for sensitivity if in doubt.

D. Blueberries are extremely high in antioxidants and nourishes our organs.

E. Orange and yellow foods nourish the spleen (worry & anxiety).

F. Squash nourishes the stomach.


A. Probiotics – Soil Based:  The gut needs good bacteria to survive and do its job. They line and protect the gut plus help your body produce vitamins.  Need 20 – 50 billion I.U. daily.

B. Digestive Enzymes give your gut a rest. They help break down food so that it can be digested and absorbed properly.

C. Adaptogenic Herbs and Foods help your body adapt to stress, anxiety and fatigue. They also create an overall feeling of wellbeing.                                                          

 Herbs:  ginseng,  holy basil , ashwagandha, rhodiola, licorice root,  astragalus root and schisandra berry. Cordyceps mushrooms, turmeric, maca, moringa and nettle can also be very helpful.              

D. L-Glutamine lines the small intestine and gives it what it needs to heal.


5. WHAT TO EAT????   EAT WHOLE FOODS.    Support digestion with some of the following options:    Easily digested foods like soups and stews, soft chicken and fish if tolerated, bone broth, digestive enzymes, healthy unsweetened yogurt, probiotics and fermented foods, fruits and vegetables softened and peeled, healthy oils like cocoanut, avocado and/or virgin olive oil.


If you have had gut issues for a long time with symptoms of bloating and gas, you most likely need to be tested for SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth).  

This happens when there is an abnormal increase in the overall foreign pathogens/bugs in the digestive tract – the gut.

Everyone has bacteria in their gut. It is when things get out of balance and the bad bugs outnumber the good bugs.

You need to find out what is overgrowing in your intestinal tract and then fix it.

There are a few ways to test for SIBO, but the simplest and most noninvasive is Breath Testing.

When bacteria in the small intestine interact with sugar, they release a gas. This gas is either hydrogen or methane.

With a special 3hr. breath test, it can be determined if SIBO is present in the small intestine. You must do all 3hrs. for accuracy.

These bacteria belong in the large intestine, not the small intestine.

The second thing to have checked are foods  –  food sensitivity testing. This is important because certain foods that are causing a problem need to be removed from the diet in order for you to heal.



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